Browse GA MLS Listings of Homes for Sale in Gwinnett County

Real Estate Agent Solomon Greene standing in a residential room beside a marquis that reads "How to find Homes for Sale in Gwinnett County with More Privacy"

Find your dream home in the Georgia Multiple Listing Service while avoiding real estate agents and other business calls until you’re ready to speak with someone.

Search the Georgia Multiple Listing Service

The information about you is a product!  Of course, you, the person, are far more than that, but to those with whom you share your nonpublic personal information, you are nothing more than a source of data that will be sold several times a day.  Still, real estate consumers share their personal information with companies found over the internet, particularly when a residential property of interest is found.  In turn, those big real estate platforms call, email, text, reach out over social media, and any other way they can sell your information to us real estate agents as a “lead,” but it doesn’t stop there.  Once shared, your information may also be shared with insurance providers, home inspectors, and others interested in serving a home buyer's needs.      

See the GA MLS Listings of Homes for Sale in Gwinnett County

Keep your information private by viewing the same homes for sale in Gwinnett County directly at Georgia MLS, one of the property data sources used by those big national platforms.   You can search by Gwinnett County City, High School, Zip Code, or another preferred parameter in a Gwinnett County Home for Sale, save, share them, and more.  It’s my portal at GA MLS, but you can share property information with your agent.  Please don't worry.  I won’t see anything that you have entered, nor will anyone else, and no one will be contacting you unless asked.

Here's one more thing that you may not have known about the use of those large, well-known real estate sites.  Calls to the phone number displayed on their home and property pages do not go directly to the Gwinnett County Real Estate Agent.  Instead, they dial a recorded line at the website company so that it can find an agent who's agreed to pay for your private information, and that company monitors conversations made to that phone number.  Calls to the phone number displayed on my GA MLS Website come directly to me unrecorded so that callers can be at peace that our conversation is private.

Manage your privacy more carefully while searching for homes for sale in Gwinnett County, GA.  Find your dream home at Georgia MLS.

If you are not currently working with an agent, I welcome the opportunity to serve.  Please write or call me at (770) 271-2156.  Otherwise, all my best for success in your search for a home in Metro Atlanta, GA.

Solomon Greene, Drake Realty, Inc.

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